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Compliments of Operation Kindness For Hernando County Animal Services, Inc.


Oh Baby It’s Hot Outside!    



Since we don’t walk barefoot when taking the dogs out for

exercise, take the time to press the palm of your hand down

on the pavement for a count of three seconds. If it’s too hot

for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws.


Try walking on lighter colored surfaces, grassy areas and of

course, in the shade.


Also, keep your walks short –it’s better for the dogs to have

two short walks than one long one and chance them



Make sure they have plenty of water available when you

put them back in their kennel.


Take care of yourself too! Take a break between walks, get some water and cool off.


The information contained in this article is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a trained professional. Always consult a trained professional regarding any questions or issues with your pets.

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